The International Tracking Standard Foundation
The I-TRACK Foundation
The International Tracking Standard Foundation (I-TRACK Foundation) is a non-profit organization that provides a robust standard for developing attribute tracking systems. I-TRACK Foundation is acknowledged by major reporting frameworks such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP), CDP, and RE100 as a reliable backbone for credible and auditable tracking instruments. It ensures the highest quality systems and adherence to best practices designed to avoid double counting, double certificate issuance, and double attribute claims.
What we do
The I-TRACK Foundation is committed to ensuring unbiased access to product information and allowing end-users to confidently procure products whose origins are well documented and clearly accounted for. This is accomplished through the implementation and adherence to the I-TRACK Foundation’s International Attribute Tracking Standard (Standard), which ensures market facilitators adhere to best practices and good governance principles for the tracking instrument and the associated markets they manage.
In this way, the I-TRACK Foundation represents a globally recognized standard, that can be implemented for a myriad of products, both within and beyond the energy sector, that can benefit from harmonization, recognition, market support, and independent oversight. Recognized Issuers, stakeholders, and government bodies can consistently rely on the Standard and its associated Product Codes while implementing and running robust attribute tracking systems.
Our history
The organization was founded in 2015 as the International REC Standard Foundation (I-REC Standard) to be an internationally recognized standardizing body facilitating standardized REC schemes around the world. Since then, the organization has seen significant growth in the usage of the associated attribute tracking systems facilitated. In 2018, the Board of the I-REC Standard approved the separation from underlying market facilitation to ensure the organization remains an independent entity. The release of the International Attribute Tracking Standard in 2021 represented the completion of that separation and the recognition that other Products may be offered under the quality flag of the I-REC Standard.
Since the release of the Standard in 2021, the demand for reliable tracking extending beyond renewables has increased. In line with this growing demand is the development of new Product Codes adherent to the International Attribute Tracking Standard (Standard). The extension of Product Codes led to a need to restructure the organization and make it future-proof, without changing its basis and core values.
The Standard describes the tools required for implementing a reliable and robust attribute tracking system and is not limited to a specific commodity such as electricity or fuel, with the growing demand for non-renewable tracking in mind, at the end of 2022, the International REC Standard Foundation began the process of rebranding with Board approval to rename the organization from International REC Standard Foundation to the International Tracking Standard Foundation (I-TRACK Foundation).
In December 2023 the I-TRACK Foundation was launched. Much of the organization’s original identity has been retained. However, the rebranding was necessary to allow for the organization’s expansion beyond electricity.
Our governance
The International Tracking Standard Foundation is a non-profit organization with a governing Board. The day-to-day running of the organization is carried out by the I-TRACK Foundation secretariat, while organizational directions, decisions, and activities are overseen by the I-TRACK Foundation Board
Governing bodies
In addition to the Board, the I-TRACK Foundation is currently in the process of implementing governance bodies for each Accredited Product Code.
For new or fully formed Product Codes and markets, these governance bodies will be Initiative Groups or Councils depending upon their phase of development. Any Accredited Entity can also develop User Groups, but these are not under the control of I-TRACK, but rather of the Accredited Entity.
The I-TRACK Foundation Board

Dirk Van Evercooren - Chair

Jules Chuang
Arbon Capital & Mt. Stonegate Green Asset Management
Ed Holt
Ed Holt & Associates

Claes Hedenström
Capril AB

Tom Lindberg

Maria Paz De La Cruz
The I-TRACK Foundation secretariat
Our headquarters is based in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands with regional representatives located in Thailand, China, Chile, and Ghana.

Jared Braslawsky
Executive Director

John Holmes
General Counsel

Roble P. Velasco-Rosenheim
Regional Director, ASEAN / Director, Global Partnerships and APAC

Enam Akoetey-Eyiah
External Standard Coordinator

Benjamin Herrera Vergara
Regional Director, Latin America

Oleg Dobrovolsky
Regional Director

Jinyu Chang
Regional Director, China

Zhenlan Lee
Country Manager, China

Jos Tuinenburg
Senior Compliance Manager

Erika Srebnicki
Communications and Content Manager
A proven track record of success
The International Tracking Standard Foundation’s (I-TRACK Foundation) Accredited tracking systems such as the I-REC for electricity, more commonly known as I-REC(E), are recognized by a myriad of governments, electricity market stakeholders, and grid operators. As a result, the Standard is directly or indirectly represented in national legislation in countries all over the world.
Product Codes Accredited by the I-TRACK Foundation
The I-TRACK Foundation ensures that all I-REC(E) and I-TRACK Certificates are in adherence with major international reporting standards including GHGP, CDP, RE100, ISO, as well as national standards such as the Singaporean REC Standard. Energy consumers can use I-REC(E) or I-TRACK Certificates to meet the requirements of these standards and corporate, social responsibility policies. I-REC(E) is a trusted certificate by market players and NGOs alike and has been issued since 2015.
Stringent environmental labels have recognized them when they are produced from compliant production devices. Consequently, attribute tracking systems adherent to the I-TRACK Foundation’s International Attribute Tracking Standard (Standard) have a proven track record of robustness and trustworthiness, which have led to year-on-year increases in market volumes.

Product Code for Gas

Product Code for Hydrogen

Product Code for Carbon Dioxide Removal